          太陽花 第50集 Ep 50 太陽花-第50集-ep-50/ Part 2 At 03:13/11:39Woman must have to demand that man to divorce her after she knew that he indeed physically commit the treason crime against the integrity of marriage (Womna does not have mean 部落格and way to commit marriage treason crime, because his wife "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" crime is his own crime of failed to do the duty to make or help her to be better; his wife committing any sex crime of lie with him 小額信貸 or with anyone else all his crime of duty of lie or suck. Therefore, "趙.10.元" must divorce his wife, if she insist to keep that pregnant that not only out of a male outside her own marriage but also directly 東森房屋 physically sinned that man to become a marriage treason criminal; if he "趙.10.元" indeed still has hot to help his wife to be better, he has to bring her to abort her pregnant and demand the doctor to block her birth function a 房地產gain to make sure she must have no way to got pregnant by anyone again and do his best not to allow her to leave her own room any bit of step without companied by himself.); after our only True God rested, no one can know anyone else heart, and very often eve 結婚n cannot know his own heart, therefore, so called "Jean.Sheng.True.Gray" does not count in Ghost sight, however, once it is really caught on physically "True.Gray", his wife (If she's caught at the same situation like "趙.10.芬" is facing, she needs to consider to abort he 591r own pregnant first, if it is too late to abort, she has to rely on her rich and famous tie <That how I don't need to take the burden to kill JungShiauLin, because I am a poor parentless woman, cannot even know if I can have enough money to live in next season, not mention to have any 部落格 money to hire any sniper to do the duty to kill for me> to hire a best sniper to kill that marriage treason man to make sure her child must have no way to meet that treason tie in any way; and also hire a best sniper to kill that "Want.Zi.Liang" and her child in the case that "Want.Zi.Liang" refuse to abort her treason pregnant so t 部落格hat to make sure "趙.10.芬" child does not have any double treasons born brother. You are rich and famous, you must not allow your sucking low standard law to fear you from doing high standard job or duty.) must have to demand him to divorce her, if he refuses to do it, it is his own double crimes, therefore, even she may know that 部落格 he has no way to divorce her, she still need to demand him to do like that to show that she indeed has done her own share of duty (That Chinese said "Zhi.7.Boot.Curse.Are.Way.Zhi") to guard the integrity of marriage.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房地產  .

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