          春晚節目被指歧視廣東人 總策劃:完全?有 春晚?目被指歧???人 ?策划:完全 酒店工作圖站成人貼圖區span>?有 禮服n/ You speak narrow minded slavery linked 廣東話, s 酒店兼職ee Chinese united language Mandarin like nothing, you not only deserve to be 歧視 禮服, but also deserve to be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. You see your stupid bad 居酒屋 ugly evil narrow minded salvery linked 廣東 face value above your Chinese face value, you cannot show your good w 辦公室出租ill to help united Chinese to be better, not mention to help the rest of the world to do better, you must be killed and g 景觀設計o to hells rather sooner than later.  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用貸款  .

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